Monday, March 21, 2011

Club Switching and Multiple Memberships.

Club Switching, Multiple Club Membership
By Jonathan Kang, Pearl City

Some Clubs find it difficult to accept that their members like to try other clubs. Many express anger, pout, scream disloyalty or display some other negative emotion in their attempt to prevent this practice. Usually the biggest clubs with the "de jure" group of rule makers will be the most narrow minded. They often make people feel guilty.
"There is no truer truth obtainable by Man than comes of music."
~Robert Browning

If people are into dancing long enough, the practice of going to another dance club is inevitable. This has existed whenever there have been choices. This practice should not be taken as personal failure or with feelings that the dancers are ungrateful.

If, however, one is losing members on a more permanent basis, it is imperative that corrective measures take place. In the case of the "de facto" rule makers, (liars and seat controllers) it is very difficult. This does not include punishment. It does include giving the ordinary everyday dancers more to make the club more attractive. Too many "Thou Shalt Nots" goof up the works.

"Hurricane" by - Bob Dylan

Dancers going from club to club should be looked upon as a healthy outgrowth as they gain more confidence, skill and independence in their love of dancing. Rather than becoming upset, the top brass should concentrate on ways to keep their members with them most of the time.

If the idea of the revolving door is acknowledged, everyone will benefit as long as new dancers are coming in some door. Getting more dancers in that door is an area that needs much improvement and is greatly neglected. Look at the clubs now that have no classes for beginners at all. How about Gold levels and beyond. My Gawd! These are supposed to be social dancers.

"Space Oddity" by - David Bowie

While fair competition is good there is also much to be gained from cooperation specially among the smaller clubs. Dancers have a right to feel free to go where they please and spend their money and time as they see fit without having to justify this to anyone. They should not be made to feel guilt or fear criticism. Let's all try to make it easy for everyone.

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