Saturday, April 2, 2011

Swing, Who Dances?

The Swing Dances.
There have been many different movements developed from the beginning 120 years ago as rag time. It eventually evolved into our three common dances, in a popular simple rock step and a two slow steps to a six count. This was to enable the ordinary dancer to enjoy some fast music.

"In giving you are throwing a bridge across the chasm of your solitude."
Later on, in the slower rag time music, the slow steps were chasséed (as the slow step in Mambo evolved Cha Cha Cha) and the jive was born which was taken to England in pieces and redefined there which has resulted in somewhat different from the American swing version of the triple. Fortunately, it can be mixed, we are not prescribed as to what is "correct."

From there the West Coast Swing evolved in California, from an even slower swing music which has mostly a rock step and two chassés. The lady moving across the slot in front of the man, somewhat similar to a cross body lead or the fan in International. Many of the good dancers declare it is their favorite.

"Moonglow" from the movie Picnic.

Meanwhile we get routine flyer kind emails from the neighbor islands but no real content to post into the blogs for our reader/dancers. I think they do not have much of an idea of a blog function. Not that I or my fellow bloggers on this blogosphere know much either.

Many have been brought up in a "Web Site" environment, representing something that says you have arrived. Never mind that you average 2 hits per day. They consider blogs as just something extraneous, not much to bother with. Even though Town Dancer blog averages over 100 hits per day. That is 3000 hits per month. And we intend to convey information. One more Guest Author and it will go to 200 hits.

"Sincerely" by the McGuire Sisters

Almost the same thing happens in local swing clubs, they simply do not know. Some think they are doing you a favor. Some have the "competition syndrome."  They think in terms of "instead of" whatever they have, and not "in addition to."

So I have had no choice, "Mas Tarde" for them. Some may eventually realize it and for some it may be too late. Perhaps by next year they may recognize something. But I am awfully busy setting up everything else and I have to be on my way. I wlll be happier when Town Dancer is on its own. Yes, Independent and beholden to no one.

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