by Robert Lui, Niu Valley
Of course Line Dancing is the best way to start, because you don't have to lead or follow anyone. Just get your timing and rhythm going first, coupled with a few steps. You can really develop your own style from there and all the time you have been enjoying and having a ball.
"It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship
what is known, but to question it." ~Jacob Bronowski
On the other extreme are those that are shaking their heads, shoulders, hips, legs, feet and toes. Somewhere in between are the real "Cultural" dancers. The ones who are thoroughly enjoying the music and moving to it, "in the correct way," the natural way and they are never stuck together at the second rib.
Robert Lui
I worry that the person who thought up Muzak may be
thinking up something else. ~Lily Tomlin

Anyone know anything about these people please let me know. I replied to the email asking but no response yet. I have gotten some legit deals from Emi but I still do not know what is going on or who is doing it. I was all set to help but who am I helping?
Just came across another one, they say these people are from Los Angeles and Salsa on One. This is an enigma and I am curious. I am putting everything on hold until I find out. For all I know they Salsa on Three which is OK with me.
"Half As Much" by Rosemary Clooney
Pub's Side Note: We cannot cover everything. Be sure to check up on Frank's blogs, That's Dancing and The Dance Connection, both in the Links on the side bar. Just click and you got it. He covers a lot of ground that we don't. And Salsa On Two will continue on Beyond Oahu blog.
"Kindness is the golden chain by which our society is bound together."
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