Saturday, October 30, 2010

Advertising Or Communication

Fortunately, most of us are aware of the difference between advertising and communication but there is a fine line. And for us it is quite all right to go over it once in while. Lately we have been including some outright advertising which we should keep to a minimum. I have Google, but they own Blogger and I want them on my side, they don't bother.

"If the past cannot teach the present, then history need not have bothered to go on, and the world has wasted a great deal of time."

Communication, however, is a very necessary device for the benefit of our reader/dancers. That is the rationale for the existence of the blogs, but not for advertising.

Then there is "Too Much," - of what? The fact remains that the reader/dancers know what turns them off even if it turns them off to communication, when there is too much. They stop tuning in. A word to wise should be sufficient. We are bound to try to please as many of our people as possible, but the readers (hits) come first.

"Get The Party Started" by Pink

I know of only one person who uses the straight hits as an analytical tool, that's me, and I am still learning. I try a new blog and after the SEO, the hits dwindle down to nothing, I delete such a blog. One of the Guest Authors writes something good and communicative and the hits go through the ceiling. It becomes quite clear to me. Many things are still in process of analysis.

So I will invite in this manner all advertisers, come one, come all and we will test by having free heavy advertising in every blog daily. Yes, I already know, together we will run the hits right straight into the ground. Hello? Is anybody out there listening?

Blogger's Law #19C: Complex problems have simple,
easy-to-understand wrong answers.

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