Friday, May 6, 2011

Latest Update


"We would rather be ruined than changed; We would rather die in our dread. Than climb the cross of the moment, and let our illusions die."

We have line dancing at the following sites:  Washington Middle - Moiliili Community Center - Aliamanu Elementary - Waipahu Visayan Hall - Waipahu August Ahrens - Aliamanu Middle

We have members who only take our line dancing class - these members pay $5.00 membership fee for one calendar year Jan to Dec 2011 / We are asking the line dancers to make a donation of $5.00 to the dance location you are taking line dancing classes at every quarter

For members who register for our two dance class instructions at the same dance location, there is no fee if you want to take the line dancing class


The Dance Hawaii Board of Directors decided to go back to our traditional potluck social at the end of the quarter & will be decided at each dance location. The part that is missing without the potluck social is the "SOCIALIZING" - Getting to know each other. If the dance location decides to have a potluck social, it will be on an extra day your dance class in held. For example, if Dance Honolulu decides to have a potluck social, it will be on the following dates:

Dance Honolulu: Monday, June 27
Dance Aliamanu: Tuesday, June 7
Dance Moliilii: Tuesday, June 7
Dance Hawaii Kai: Tuesday, May 31
Dance Waipahu: Wednesday, June 2nd
Dance Aliamanu: Thursday, June 9th

"Dance Amore" By Dean Martin

We will provide a sign up sheet for each dance location.
Each dance location will be responsible for paper goods (plates, forks, napkins) / drinks (coffee/soda/etc) / serving utensils. Dance Hawaii will continue to thank our instructors by our gift certificates to various dining establishments

"He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils;
for time is the greatest innovator."

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