Monday, May 23, 2011

Healthy Eating For A Healthy Heart - Nutrition Matters

healthy heart
El Centro, California (NAPSI) - More women of all ages are getting the message that heart disease is their #1 killer. However, one-third of women still underestimate their own risk for heart disease and most fail to make the connection between risk factors and their chance of developing heart disease.

To help, The Heart Truth, a national awareness campaign for women, recommends four healthful lifestyle changes-eating right, being physically active, not smoking, and keeping a healthy weight-to help women lower their risk of heart disease by as much as 82 percent. One great way to keep a healthy weight is to eat a diet low in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. In cooking and at the table, flavoring foods with herbs, spices, wine, lemon, vinegar or salt-free seasoning blends creates great-tasting meals, often with heart-healthy benefits.

In just 30 minutes, you can cook a heart-healthy meal.

Asian-Style Chicken Wraps

For Sauce:

1 small jalapeƱo pepper, rinsed and split lengthwise-remove seeds/white membrane and mince
1 Tbsp garlic, minced

3 Tbsp brown sugar

½ cup water

½ Tbsp fish sauce

2 Tbsp lime juice

For Chicken:

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