Monday, August 16, 2010

Going over the territory

Terrific write up by Calvin on the Big Bash at Oahu Country Club. For those into the Nostalgic 50s and 60s. Looks like Da Kine music has been very acceptable. I was glued to every word, unfortunately he had to delete it. It was a more private affair.

"He that lives only in hope, dances without music. "

HBDA review and social dance at Aliamanu Intermediate getting better all the time. I even met people from Kaneohe there. What an opportunity for someone to find a good Community Center with a good dance floor. Not just HBDA but for all groups of dancers. The Moanalua Corridor is gathering up some steam. This coming year will break all records.

Then the next dance center that is long over due, will be Kapolei. Already the largest HBDA Chapter on Oahu. And many people are just finding out about it. No where to go but up. I have met people in Makaha that are just becoming aware. So a good Community Center with a good dance floor is imperative. And like I have said, the community center should be for all dance groups.

"Flash Light" by Parliament

Of course Waianae is long overdue to get enough publicity and enough people together with the same purpose of promoting their style of ballroom dancing. Line dancing is picking up steam and Salsa is already there. There is some Hula.

Then we are fortunate enough to have the Waianae District Park with the best dance floor in the West already there. If they get it going there first, people will be coming from Makakilo, Kapolei, Barber's Point, Ko-Olina. It is coming, we must work at it and be patient.

"She Loves You" by The Beatles

Dancing in the Dark is moving up very fast, and I plan on letting it become the first independent. I can't run all these blogs efficiently by myself. And for the good of everyone they must develop their own point of view. It must become Social Media. Just need a couple of Guest Authors and I will choose the first Administrator. Then we can plan the back up administrator and I can resign that position and it will be on its own.

"If you don't think girls are dynamite, try dropping one."

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