Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dream To Dance

We are going around and around but we are beginning to get some regular information for the readers from the Dream To Dance Studio. Our readers do not have to know that Debby is located on the North Shore. We are going to change the advertising (which is dead meat) into Social Media if we can, and we must.

"Universal Dancing is contagious,
help us start an Island epidemic."

Debby had Session One (5 weeks) starting Tuesday--Beginner Salsa & Merengue and Intermediate SALSA, - Thursday--SAMBA

SESSION Two - (5 weeks) Tuesday--Beginner SALSA -- Intermediate SALSA -- Thursday -- RUMBA

Salsa Dancing ongoing every Saturday w/ DJ Rod el Moreno de la Salsa,
Beginner lesson - Swing & Ballroom dancing lessons

"Moliendo Cafe" by Azucar Moreno

The studio also has:
Salsa Lessons by Charlie Castro on Thursday and Sundays.

Dance Classes by Lucas Jaime and Yanna Samkova on Saturday.

I will slowly flesh this out with photos. and comments. (Social Media.) - Meanwhile, from Las Vegas, Nevada

We got another goodie from Wayne in Las Vegas. We are giving the readers some choices of places on the Mainland. Beyond Oahu will be getting some of this action soon.

"Like A Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan

Meanwhile, the blogs are processing along very well. Frank and his Dance Connection and Calvin with his Town Dancer covering the "Extravadanza" Bantay Bata are just the greatest. It is something the rest of us are going to learn, and fortunately we have a counter (legit hits) on Town Dancer for immediate feedback. The photos are sure to please many reader/dancers and that is what Social Media is all about.

I had been somewhat limited in getting pictures for the zine, but now for the blogs I can get some with fewer people than my required tables. (10) I will learn from Frank and Calvin and adjust to my liking. We do not have to be rubber stamps of anyone.

"El Paso" by Marty Robbins

Late news from Aloha Line Dancers, At the Palladium:
Aug 15 – ANNUAL BIRTHDAY BASH $5 Potluck Coordinate with Phillis 262-7441
Just to clear things up….It’s EVERYBODY’s Birthday Party! A chance to celebrate the birthdays of each and every one of us. So no presents…Just your presence! Send in your requests, and get your group together and check with Phillis re the potluck.

"Only that person who attempts the ridiculous will achieve the impossible."

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