"A handful of common sense is worth an armload of learning."
We have Al Franz Studio, well known throughout the years, with regular group and private lessons. Their one social is an Argentine Tango once a week. We could use more news for the good of the readers (first) the good of the participants, the Studio and this blog. The only ones that lose are those that have chosen to be included out.

Included had been some ballroom dancing on Saturdays. This seems to be a very nice venue for a lot of the "extra" women at the regular dance socials. But due to lack of interest they may be cancelled. We shall see if we can still help in that department.
"Nights In White Satin" by Moody Blues
Coming up on the back stretch is Arthur Murray. They seem to be with it, we just have try to understand each other a little better. I would sure like to include them on a regular basis. Again it is the same benefits. For the the readers (first) then for the members of Arthur Murray, then for the studio and finally for this blog.
With those three we could run the stats to over 67 average hits per day which equals 2000 per month. That is some doing on this little Island.
First the kokua comes first, then we try to get the information contributors with information of possible interest to the readers. Flyer type emails help but not da reel teeng. The real deal is communication that sounds like it is for the reader, not just for the entire public and to "who it may concern." With time those three studios will know the difference.
From there we flesh it out with their preferences in nIght clubs and social dance clubs. It could be a "contendah. We're getting there!
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