The last couple of weeks have been completely, utterly, totally fabulous. I have been able to spend real, QUALITY time with the kids. I have easily fallen back into the life of a stay at home mom, with work on the weekends. It's the best of both worlds, really. I have had 4ish days of hanging with the kiddos and just when we start to get tired of each other, we get a break. They get to spend time with our two amazing and almost family-like sitters, and I get to go spend time with other adults and make some money. Just when I'm starting to get ridiculously tired and missing the kids like crazy, my "work week" is over and I get to be home with my favorite people in the world again.
Now THIS is life!!!
On the 4th we had Banana Splits.....for DINNER!!!
We've built a zoo...
Spent some time dancing as Princesses...
(sorry it's sideways)
Made ice cream and toppings out of Play Doh...
And my always creative, ALMOST 6 year old made a chair out of Tinkertoys and filled it with books so her animals could ACTUALLY sit on it.
And of course, I can't forget my TOP favorite person in the world, my hubby. We've had juuuuuuust enough nights together and apart where we still savor the time we have together, but we aren't feeling crazy because we don't get enough time together or alone. It's been a pretty good balance, in my opinion. I know my husband would probably disagree because on HIS end he's been working his heiny off on a new venture he is working on right now. It's all going to be worth it in the end...we are feeling very hopeful for our future right now. Finally.
Too bad I go back to school this week. Only 6 more months and this WILL be life. I can't wait!!
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