Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week Ended Saturday, October 1st.

I started the weekly schedule from Monday through Sunday, then I dated the first blog on Monday, bad mistake. Give them a little more time and I changed the post and date to Sunday.
"If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change.
If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change."

Then I got the suggestion to change the schedule to the calendar week as in all calendars, Sunday through Saturday. Fit very nicely and no complaints. Now, I have been very graciously informed, that is not enough time, so I will extend the lead time, post and date the weekly schedule blogs on Friday from now on.

That should be enough time for our reader/dancers to make social contacts over the weekend and plan their week more effectively. The week seems to be the right time frame for our reader/dancers in Club Dancer.
"So we lives and we learns."

But the men are waking up, looking and finding social dance clubs where they are not considered "junk dancers." So we shall try here and now to see what evolves. Most of our potential readers/dancers will be social dancers and find pleasure in moving to the music of their choice in their own way. We hope to recommend the clubs most receptive to social dance. It ain't that easy.

"I'm In The Mood For Dancing" by Nolans

We get many email flyers and most think that is enough. We do what we can, but some will slowly pick up on the action. There can be a big difference if they send the information, timely and specially for our reader/dancers. Won't cost them a cent but 10 times more effective. So we must be patient.

This blog has been averaging much more than 34 hits per day. (1000 hits per month.) You wanna make contact? Use your head, red. With a few more, like Arthur Murray Studios for instance, 67 average hits per day is very possible. I consider 2000 hits per month, -  CONTACT.

Sunday, September 25th.

Sunday, September 25, Bachata Party
with Salsa No Ka Oi at the
famous Dream To Dance Studio.

Monday, 26th. Dance Honolulu,
Social at Washington Intermediate
Instructors, Line, Roxanne Kaino
International Style:
Reggie Gascon and Gayle Kawahakui.

Tuesday, 27th. Dance Hawaii Kai
Review night at Koko Head School
American Social Instructors
Sally Forges, Cris & Vick Visoria
Merengue, American Social Waltz

"Ven Devorame Otra Vez" por Azucar Moreno

Wednesday, 28th.
Dream to Dance Studio, classes
No dates on Debbie's flyers. Maybe a little paragraph now & then, specially for our readers/dancers.

Thursday, 29th.
Salsa No Ka Oi, Charlie and Amy
at Dream to Dance Studio

Friday, 30th.
Greg Henry and his Salsa gang
at the Honolulu Club.
There may be no bar there anymore.

Saturday, October 1st.
DJ Rod and the Salsa gang at the
Dream to Dance Studio.

"Come Dancing" by Kinks

Unfortunately, I will not attend a few dances until I get my new camera. No use going if I cannot make the write up and take some photos too. Somebody else? They tell me that is impossible. I seem to be one of a handful in this entire world that can do that. You believe that and I am sure you believe in the tooth fairy.

Pub's Note: Blogs around town. Tim Cubero Jr in Platinum Horsehoe blog, Town Dancer blog with Calvin at his best, including a video of American Style Waltz by the Champs. Then you have Franks blogs covering many places we don't or can't. You can really know what is going on in our dance community.

Our readers remain the most informed dancers in the Pacific.

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