Saturday, August 21, 2010

Of Mice And Men

There was a famous novel entitled "Of Mice And Men," which was also made into a hit movie, but it comes from a larger quotation. I believe it is from a poem by Robert Burns. It read, "The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray."

"Why waste money on psychotherapy when you can listen to the B Minor Mass?" ~Michael Torke

And that is what happened today in my quest to do right by my fellow dancers. I left in fine time but the 6:10 C bus that went by had a "Not in Service" sign so there was something wrong with it. We all had to wait for the next one. I did not get to HBDA until almost 8:30.

The good people from Kapolei Chapter were at the reception table and what an opportunity to get a photo. Unfortunately something went wrong with the camera. I will check it out tomorrow. As suggested by the others it may be the batteries, rechargeables usually last over a year.

"Y.M.C.A" by the Village People

I had planned on getting a photo at the reception table, one at the DJ table and another with maybe three couples. Woulda been nice. Together with a nice write up.

So I had a few dances and talked to a few people and decided to skip the Honolulu Club where I had planned on getting at least a couple photos and make a small write up with a few quotes from the attendees.

"Don't Give Up On Us" by David Soul

I got me some ice for my time solution and then took off to try and get the first E bus going to Waipahu. Just missed the good one and the next one got me to Waipahu too early or too late for #40 bus.

The next E bus arrived and five minutes later the 40 bus arrives. By that time I am running out of Time Solution. Just a few ice cubes left. Had to make do until I got home. Then first thing at home is to get some music going and make me a double. The evening was not going to waste.

Got the preliminaries on this blog.

Special Aside: you can still keep up with the news on Richard Nieto in The Dance Connection blog by Frank Sierra.

"While there's life, there's hope."
~ Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)

"People who try to dodge their responsibilities,
usually find the detour rougher than the road."

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