Sunday, June 5, 2011

Aloha Line Dancers News

From Beverly:

It’s June …almost… and that means it’s another Country Classic Potluck at the Palladium  JUNE 19th   5-9 pm.

Send in your oldies favorites early…so everyone can dust out the cobwebs and brush up on them.  How’bout The Trail?   Just a Kiss?  Syncopations?...I still can’t get that one right!!!  J’ai Du Boogie???  One of my all time fav’s – Texas Blue.  Anyway, if you can pick some to start and send  them in by about June 10, then I’ll send out the early list for practice.

"Music, Music, Music" By Theresa Brewer

Nashville Waikiki is having a Line Dance Contest during the month of June.

Every Thursday, during the month of June, Nashville Waikiki will hold a Line Dance Contest.  There will be prizes for the top 3 winners, with first prize getting $100 in cash.  If the contestant doesn’t place that night, they can try again the following weeks.

Once you place1st, 2nd or 3rd, you cannot enter again.  Then on June 30th, all the contestants who placed will dance off for the grand prize of $500!  If anyone is interested and have questions, they can contact Linda Hijirida at Linda’s email above or call her on my cell – 741-5428.

Thank you,
Linda  Hijirida


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If you make the call you are automatically classified as a moron. If you stay on the line for the full three minutes, you are a complete idiot.

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