Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday and the week is fine

Now that I have cut my drinking in half, I must find a way of ordering a soft drink or juice, or avoid the drinking places in town all together. Then I have to find a way of doing something else on the way back from town. Hard to read, so perhaps I can catch up on my computer work or watch a movie on the way back. Sometimes it just may be enough to hear my music on my MP3 player. 
"Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of
history to wait for the train of the future to run over him."

In town I need information from Noelani Hernandez, Honolulu Salsa, Al Franz Studio, Dream To Dance Sudios and Arthur Murray studios to inform the probable reader/dancers of this blog. And we are not talking flyers. Those are dime a dozen and we get 10000 copies every day. For some people they may be good information but not for blog readers.

Our blog readers can spot advertising and turn us off immediately if not sooner. They expect us to be social and that means information. We need more hits. Why? Simply, because we need to know if we are not just beating our gums.

"42nd Street" By Geoff Lowe

From The Dancing News, 2009

People dance, as they have always danced to celebrate good news and have fun. They have danced to honor a guest, pay court to someone powerful or simply to demonstrate their social standing. They danced to exhibit the best and most beautiful of their community. They danced to express their individuality and for physical contact with the opposite sex.

As a spectacle, dance can be arousing whether by a European style Waltz or by a wild Latin Cha Cha Cha. Performed alone, dance is both a physical and emotional form of release. You can imagine two senior dancers after a good Cha Cha Cha, huffing and puffing. “Wasn’t that fun?” Dance has been used in all these ways for thousands of years. It has always been an enjoyable thing to do.

"Happiness is ..." By Ray Coniff

Slop Dancer: Old term used by the Rootzi Tootzis for the Social or “Universal” dancer. One who includes in his dancing not only the standards from other disciplines but also some exhibition, non-standard and Mickey Mouse patterns as long as they are easily led.

So it becomes apparent that the term is applied only to men. In some extreme cases the term used is "Junk Dancer." The man is just not dancing "correctly." In some disciplines the dancers are advised to keep away from dancing with these people. You can pick up some bad habits.

These are the Rootzi Tootzies. These men and women in the Universal group will have to find places where they can dance their style with all the freedom of the world. Many are beginning to understand their position and accept the kind of dancing they want to do. As long as the ladies can follow and most of the ladies are just the berries, we can all have a lot of fun. I see it everyday.

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