Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I am grateful for:

Never having a shortage of reading material to spark the imagination.

Why oh why do I even browse the shelves at C.A.T.S. Resale Shop? Of course I found another intriguing book for just 50 cents.

My co-worker Kathy organizes a book club. From the library, our latest pick takes us to Italy. My stomach is already growling.

I can't imagine eBooks replacing some things.

Children's books are just so magical. This treasure was from the This-n-That Thrift Shop in Hillsdale, NJ, and awaits one very lucky young reader.

Random acts of kindness, like the weekly tea time started by Kathy. She suprised us with fresh fruit salad to accompany bluberry and cranberry orange scones. Lively conversation followed.

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. Think we don't need a revolution? The next time you are at a major supermarket, take a look what's in everyone's carts.

Each week, I laugh, I cry, I cheer on from my couch. The flashmob: bloody brilliant!

Saving money, and eating healthier, by making most of my meals at homes.

My latest picks, mostly from Old Hook Farm, a few things from Trader Joe's.

On the menu? Veggie fajitas (mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, corn); vegan spinach florentine ravioli; fresh beetroot salad, wraps with avocado, hummus, roasted red and yellow peppers, and red leaf lettuce. For breakfast: granola with fresh strawberries and almond milk, and fresh grapefruit. A really yummy dessert: strawberry mango crisp.

Eating banana cake in my parents' kitchen with a glass of iced coffee after taking the dog to the park. Check out this easy vegan banana muffin recipe.

A pot of homemade roasted cauliflower soup. Roasted anything is usually amazing in my book. I adore soup year-round.

My mom made homemade croutons to add to the soup. Simply toast whole wheat bread, cut, sauté in Earth Balance and garlic powder. Done.

The guilty pleasure of an afternoon weekend nap. My friend Slyester at the C.A.T.S. Resale Shop is an enthusiastic a napper as I am. He is often in nap prose when I see him.

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