I adore staying in reasonably priced bed & breakfasts. Casa Mazzola and its cheerful owner Luigi (an artist who once lived in Garfield, NJ, of all places!) couldn't have been more charming. He gave great tips on where to go, and provided rides as his location was a bit out of the way without a car.
The view from my balcony.
Enjoyed on the patio surrounded by olive trees, vegan breakfast of champions: crusty bread with jam, Earl Grey tea, juice and fresh melon and local grapes.
Italian cool. Everyone from businessmen, students, and even a few carry-on dogs zip around on Vespas.
Can you imagine this traveling down Fifth Avenue in New York City?
Dinner was outside at a pizza place a short drive down the hill.
Even though no obvious vegan choices were on the menu, they were happy to accommodate me with this delicious pizza, for just a couple of euros.
Amazing vegan food can show up at the most unlikely places. This display for "local bread" hanging outside of Emporio Ravello caught my eye...
...led to a meat counter, which I would have never thought to approach for a vegan sandwich. For about 4 euro, I got this beauty. One of the best grilled vegetable sandwiches I've ever eaten.
I don't need a fancy hotel with a pool, especially when I can swim for free. Bring your shoes for their rocky, not sandy, beach.
Paying too much for spaghetti, 10 euros, plus a cover charge of 2 euros (cover charges are common), but the view was worth it! I also had a peach bellini (champagne and peach juice), for a reasonable 4 euro.
Need I say more?
Curious locals were everywhere.
Outside a ceramic shop. I didn't buy a single souvenir on this trip. I'm trying to declutter and live with less.
Onto Capri...
...famous for its lemons and Limoncello. I don't care much for the liqueur, but refreshing lemon sorbet, 2.50 euro, hit the spot.
Watering an organic vegetable garden which supplied the restaurant next door.
Time for a dip!
This is my kind of commute! Taking a lift to the top of Capri.
From the top.
A visual feast everywhere you looked.
Nuts are a great, natural protein source for vegans, and perfect to snack on for energy while traveling.
I visited the city of Pompeii, but was terribly troubled by the high number of street dogs everywhere, many of who had clear marks from fighting. I had flashbacks to Mexico.
One last stop. After about a 30 minute hike up, I reached the top of Mt. Vesuvius.
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows." Helen Keller
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